our story

Read about our background and roots

Read our co-founder Julia's heartwarming story

Tare many children in the world who lack a safe family and a place they can call home. A family is the people who give you security and unconditional love for who you are. For the first time I am sharing my story of being adopted. I was born in Hanoi, Vietnam and was placed in an orphanage after only 48 hours. Two months later I was adopted by my mother Anne-Marie. Growing up, I was always surrounded by love and warmth. My mother is my everything, she has done everything for me and it is thanks to all the support I have received that today I have taken two masters, one in law and one in business development. She is the nicest person I know, she does everything wholeheartedly and always prioritizes the well-being of others. She has made me who I am today and I would never be where I am if it wasn't for her. The fact that she adopted me gave me completely different conditions and opportunities to dream about a future. She has given me a family and a home. Anne-Marie is my real mother, she changed my life, my future!

Julia's First trip back to Vietnam

For a long time I dreamed of going back with my mother to visit the country I come from. Get to experience the culture and the country that have long been only stories and one day be able to help the children who were not as fortunate as me. The orphans who were left in the orphanage. During my upbringing, my family did not have all the conditions to go back to Vietnam and the time never quite fit. Instead, I've been fighting all my life to build a career and prove myself worthy of my place and one day be able to go back to Vietnam and make a difference. A few years ago I met Jakop, the most inspiring, lovely person I've ever met. He is the warmest person I know, always stands up for others and helps when no one else dares. At the same time, he is driven and always finds opportunities for improvement and has also run large charity projects in the past. It was he who inspired me and gave me the idea to start my own charity organization for vulnerable children in Vietnam. After much consideration, I chose to take a break from my safe life in Sweden, resigned from my job and took the next flight to Vietnam to start Forgotten Futures with my boyfriend.